4CU News

Fourth of July – Registration Open

Good Morning 4CU! Registration is now open for the Fourth of July Rally! (well, technically at 8am AZT Saturday 16 March, if you’re seeing this a bit early) Details here

4CU News Update

In this issue: Rally reminders: There are still openings for the May in the Pines Rally.  Registration for the Fourth of July Rally has been changed to 16 March 8am AzST so please reset your kitchen timers! back to πŸ” Rally Round Up – January Rally Paso Robles California By: Jeff Engelmann Host: Barbara and… Continue reading 4CU News Update

Chillin’ In Chama – Registration Open

Good Morning 4CU! Registration is now open for the Chillin’ in Chama Rally! (well, technically at 8am AZT Saturday 2 March, if you’re seeing this a bit early) Details here

Reminder: Chillin’ in Chama Registration Opens Soon

Good morning! We hope you’ve cleared your calendar for Chillin’ in Chama on 13-16 June 2024 because registration opens at 8am AZST this Saturday, 2 March. Here are all the deets if you need a refresher.

May In The Pines – Registration Open

Good Morning 4CU! Registration is now open for the May In The Pines Rally! (well, technically at 8am AZT Saturday 3 Feb, if you’re seeing this a bit early) Details here

A Spring into Summer’s Worth of Save the Dates!

Your Board and Rally Committee have been hard at it this winter getting a stellar set of exciting rallies ready. So! What’s coming your way? We’ve got three ridiculously popular rallies coming in hot. May In The Pines First up, on 16-19 May, is the suitably named May in the Pines Rally at Apache Trout… Continue reading A Spring into Summer’s Worth of Save the Dates!

May In The Pines Rally Announcement

Apache Trout Campground, near Springville, AZ – 16-19 May 2024 Rally Registration Opens 8am AZT, Saturday, 10 February 2024 There’re pine trees in Arizona! Who knew? And, hard to picture melting away in Tucson this past week! Well, let’s rally in the pines this May! We’re expecting beautiful days and cool nights – perfect for… Continue reading May In The Pines Rally Announcement

Chillin’ In Chama 2024

Sky Mountain Resort RV Park in Chama, NM – 13-16 June 2024 Rally Registration Opens 8am AZT, Saturday, 2 March 2024 Come join us again this year at Sky Mountain Resort RV Park in Chama, NM Chama is central to a wide range of exciting opportunities for exploration, adventure and experiences. Just to name a… Continue reading Chillin’ In Chama 2024

Fourth of July 2024

Crook Group Campground 33 miles from Payson, AZ – 3-7 July 2024 Rally Registration Opens 8am AZT, Saturday, 9 March 2024 Beat the July heat and join us in the cool ponderosa pines atop the Mogollon Rim to celebrate the Fourth of July. Crook Campground is at an elevation of 7,500 feet. The group campground… Continue reading Fourth of July 2024

Keeping It Real In Kanab – Registration Open

Good Morning 4CU! Registration is now open for the Keeping It Real in Kanab Rally! (well, technically at 8am AZT Saturday 3 Feb, if you’re seeing this a bit early) Details here Remember! Rally Registration will close on 15 February 2024!

Rally or News Suggestions? Get In Touch