4CU News

May in the Pines Rally Review and Rally Round Up

Categorized as Rally News and Announcements

We’ve got a great report here from the May in the Pines Rally by Jeff Engelmann.

But first! A quick update on upcoming rallies:

Chillin’ in Chama, 13-16 June, has 4 sites still available!

Chile Run in Silver City, 22-25 August, will open for registration Wednesday morning, the 29th May.

Rally Review – May in The Pines – Apache Trout Campground, White Mountains, Arizona

Hosts: Barbara and Jeff Engelmann 
Co-Hosts: Cathy and Scott Verhines 

This rally was held in the White Mountains of Arizona with patches of snow remaining in the higher elevations. However, that did not deter 13 Airstream trailers with 4CU members and affiliate members from traveling to the Eastern Portion of Arizona to enjoy the beauty of the White Mountains and Big Lake. The area offers amazing rolling meadows punctuated by mature stands of Ponderosa Pine and the distinctive white bark of the groves of Quaking Aspen.  

Our rally took place at the US Forest Service Apache Trout Campground where the Fir Group Loop had been reserved exclusively for this 4CU Rally. The Fir Loop is a dry camping experience so our group arrived with their water tanks full and their black and grey tanks empty. The loop offered a perfect setting for our rally with an exclusive flush toilet and shower facility and a large central ramada complete with picnic tables, extensive concrete bar and large fire pit all of which comfortably served as our rally’s central gathering location.  

Our group enjoyed a Thursday evening happy hour with a plethora of fabulous appetizers that were provided by each attendee to share at the central ramada that transitioned during the evening to time around the adjacent wood fire pit that was put to great use every evening. 

In addition to the campfire entertainment, 4CU member Kirby Collins provided an unprecedented celestial view through his digital telescope that transferred those images to his iPad for all to see easily and clearly. Thank you, Kirby, for sharing your knowledge and amazing hobby of astronomy, the images were amazing.  

Our group’s Friday morning started with a light rally breakfast of pastries, hard boiled eggs and fresh fruit coupled with conversations of airstream rallies, repairs, and meeting new friends.

Friday mid-morning was set aside for those interested in hiking out to “Big Lake Knoll”. This hike was a round-trip effort of approximately five miles and our group split into two, one that did half of that distance and the other half traversed to the peak. The hike allowed all to take in the views and experience this heavily forested hike that included creative ways to get around, over and through the many downed trees that crossed the established path.

The group that made it to the peak or just below the peak were afforded tremendous views from this 9,390-foot elevation high point in the area. This high point had historically served as one of the White Mountain fire tower locations. Although the need for a physical fire tower no longer exists this peak continues to serve as a fire monitoring station for the area that is all done electronically from a ground-based system. The lack of an actual fire tower did not detract from the stunning 360-degree views of the surrounding landscape.   

Friday afternoon included an opportunity for those interested in making bead bracelets for themselves or friends. Many thanks to 4CU member Sophia Rodgers who initiated and led this fun-filled bead bracelet adventure that resulted in the creation of numerous bead bracelets that were the fashion statement of the weekend.  

Each of the rally participants were requested to bring their favorite chili to the central ramada where they would be combined into one chili mix. The creativity of the groups varied recipes included both vegetarian and meat-based chilies. The result was two distinctively different, and deliciously vibrant chilies: one meat-based and the other vegetarian. These delectable chili entrées were supplemented with fresh cornbread, warmed tortillas, honey and Caesar salad. 

The evening was capped off around the campfire with songs led by 4CU member Jot Hollenbeck and his guitar.  

Our group’s Saturday morning started again with a light rally breakfast of pastries, hard boiled eggs and fresh fruit (heard that before?). Attendees explored the surrounding area including several who ventured into the Town of Greer and the Rendezvous Cafe. 

Saturday afternoon included an optional community service event for attendees to participate in the construction of pillowcases that were destined for the charity known as “Baskets of Hope” program. Many thanks again to 4CU member Sophia Rodgers who initiated and led this community service project that resulted in the initial construction of 50 pillowcases. Special thanks to Linda Hollenbeck for the demonstration and use of her “Featherweight” 1950s era sewing machine during this project.

Saturday evening was topped off by a cookout extravaganza at our ramada where attendees grilled their own protein and brought a separate dish to share with each other. The food variety, quantity and quality were unbelievable leaving no one hungry. The evening was capped off with conversations and laughter around the fire pit. 

Thank you all for attending the 2024 May in the Pines Rally. It was a pleasure to meet so many new friends and to re-connect with our 4CU friends.  

Jeff Engelmann, host

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